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Finding the Perfect Temperature for Your Home (While Saving!)

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Are you asking, “What temperature should I set my thermostat to?” You’re not the only one. When it comes to temperature settings, a lot of people are in the dark on what can keep them cool while cutting down on heating and cooling costs. Cool Rays AC is here to help you out this summer and winter with some tips for finding the perfect thermostat setting for your space.

Summers in Florida are brutal, and winter isn’t particularly long (or cool). You’re likely to use your air conditioner all year long. It’s time to save energy and save money with the right thermostat temperature setting this season!

When Cooling Down Your Home’s Temperature

To cool down your home and use less energy during the summer heat, the recommended thermostat settings are 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home and several degrees higher when you’re out of the house.

Your central air conditioning directly affects your energy costs. When you set your thermostat to a colder setting, it can increase your electric bill by 6-8% per degree! Cool air costs money, and setting your thermostat in the summer to a lower temperature will certainly show on your next energy bill.

However, while these are the recommended settings, your personal preference may be different. If you find your family complaining about the indoor temperature at your home, then the ideal temperature might be lower. Try 76 degrees if your air conditioner isn’t cutting it at 78.

Lowing Your Energy Usage

happy thermostat

There are plenty of ways that you can lower your energy bills while enjoying cooler air. Here are just a few!

  • Raise the temperature when you head out of the house. Keeping your house warmer when you’re not around means cutting out a huge unnecessary expense. A higher interior temperature for up to eight hours a day? Sounds like the perfect way to save money while you’re at work!
  • Get a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats are smart thermostats that automatically adjust the temperature based on outside temperature changes, time of day, and scheduled adjustments for when you’re out or at home.
  • Cool down your home without setting the thermostat lower: cover windows that receive direct sunlight or get window treatments; turn on ceiling fans; only use heat-generating appliances at night; and more!
  • Use a dehumidifier to get dry air in your home. Humidity control is essential for feeling cooler even when it isn’t technically colder. Cooling systems already decrease humidity, but an extra dehumidifier can make a big difference in Florida.

Cutting Down on Heating Costs

Whether you have a heat pump or a furnace, the best temperature for a cooler environment, like wintertime, is 68 degrees during the day. While we use different temperatures for hot and cold weather, the idea is the same. Use a smart thermostat or manual set the temperature for warmer when you’re home and cooler when you’re away. You’ll be saving energy and cutting utility costs by preventing your heat from kicking on above 60 degrees.

The Department of Energy also recommends grabbing an extra blanket at night and turning down the temperature. Most people find that a cooler setting is the comfortable temperature for restful sleep during winter, anyway.

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Keeping Comfortable with Cool Rays

If you’re finding that you’re setting your air conditioner to the normal temperature, but your home isn’t cooling, it might not be your thermostat. Sometimes, air conditioners struggle with high outdoor temperatures, decreasing energy efficiency and preventing you from getting comfortable.

If this sounds like you, then it’s time to give Cool Rays AC a call! We can help restore the perfect temperature in your home. We offer 24/7 service for air conditioners and heaters, including replacements, repairs, and maintenance. Give us a buzz to reach the best AC service under the sun!

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