Prepare Your Air Conditioning for Summertime with These Tips! In Florida, it's always early enough to start preparing for the hot months ahead. While we have colder days in the wintertime, there…
What Makes an AC Repair Company the Best? Finding trustworthy AC repair in Melbourne, FL, can be daunting. However, hiring a reputable contractor is crucial to assess and repair your…
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with UV Lights for HVAC We've previously broken down the basics of UV (ultraviolet) lights for your heating and cooling system. But today, we wanted…
AC Not Working After Power Outage? Reset It in 5 Steps Despite being called the "Sunshine State," Florida is known for it's hurricanes, thunderstorms, and summertime showers. One of the…
Heater Burning Smell: Why and What You Can Do Turning on your heater doesn't happen that often in Florida. In fact, our "coldest month" is January, with an average low…
Understanding the Primary Sources of Humidity in Your Florida Home In Florida, humidity is a huge factor when it comes to comfort, no matter what time of year it is.…
What You Should Know About Filter Ratings Our top rule for taking care of your HVAC system is simple: change your air filter regularly (every month!). But how do you…
Why You Should Replace your Florida AC System During the Fall As the summer season ends and temperatures drop into the 60s and 70s, we enter the off-season for cooling…