Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with UV Lights for HVAC
We’ve previously broken down the basics of UV (ultraviolet) lights for your heating and cooling system. But today, we wanted to go beyond discussing how UV lights work in HVAC systems. Ultraviolet light is effective and efficient for cleansing surfaces, but they’re also potent IAQ devices. In fact, they’re one of the best built-in ways to improve air quality in your home!
Today we will go into the types of UV lights you can get for your AC system and dive deeper into the benefits they can bring to your home. Let’s take a look!
What is Ultraviolet Light for HVAC Systems?

Did you know that there are different types of ultraviolet radiation? It’s true!
Most people are familiar with UV rays from the sun, the kind that cause sunburns, skin cancer, tanning, and wrinkles (oh no!). But there are actually three types of UV light on the light spectrum, divided by their wavelength. Let’s break it down!
Ultraviolet A: Ultraviolet A (UV-A) light is the most common type of UV radiation or UV light.
UVA, or long-wave UV, has the longest wavelength of the three types of UV light, which means it can penetrate the deepest into the skin (and is the least absorbed by the ozone layer). It’s also the least harmful of the three, and it contributes to the production of vitamin D – one of the best benefits of enjoying sunny days! UVA rays are also believed to contribute to skin aging, as well as some types of skin cancer. Remember your sunscreen next time you hit the beach!
Ultraviolet B: UVB is right in the middle when it comes to wavelength. Because of its shorter wavelength, it doesn’t penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere as well, and so we encounter it much less. It also doesn’t penetrate our skin as well, only reaching the epidermis. However, they are the UV rays that cause sunburns and skin cancer!
Ultraviolet C: UVC is entirely blocked by the Earth’s atmosphere, meaning that any kind of encounter with UVC is artificial – like sanitizing lights in hospitals or air scrubbers! It doesn’t penetrate the skin, luckily, but it can damage your eyes – never look directly at a UVC light source!
If you’re wondering whether UVC lights are dangerous, don’t worry. They’re an effective germicidal agent and are often used in air purification systems and water treatment plants. If installed properly, there should be little to no risk to your home’s health. In fact, once installed on your HVAC system, you shouldn’t encounter any of the UVC light because it’ll be working behind the scenes!
Different Types of Ultraviolet Light
A UV light for heating and cooling systems is a device that emits ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light as air passes through the indoor unit. This light is a natural disinfectant that kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms while also eliminating opportunities for mold to grow. The UV light is installed near the HVAC system’s evaporator coil or on the return ducts.
These two types of systems are called “coil sterilization lights” and “air sterilization lights.” They either sterilize the system itself (on the coils) or clean air as it is pulled through the system (through the return ducts).
3 Reasons Why We Love UVC Lights for Air Conditioners

A UV light for HVAC systems can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, mold, and germs in your HVAC system and the air, improving indoor air quality and making your space more comfortable. This can be especially beneficial for people with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions – but it’s also great for people who want to breathe better (and cleaner) air!
What else can better IAQ do for you? Tons! Check it out.
Odor Elimination
Do you ever get a weird or unpleasant smell in your home that you can’t eliminate? It might be your HVAC system! In Florida, mold and mildew are just a part of life. Sometimes, your air conditioner may circulate mold and mildew spores that have accumulated in your home due to humidity and hot weather.
This creates a musty or stale odor in your home that isn’t caused by a particular mold spot. A UV light or air scrubber can freshen up your space by removing odor-causing bacteria and microbes!

Improved Efficiency
A UV light for HVAC systems can also improve energy efficiency by removing contaminants and buildup from the system’s components. This buildup can make your HVAC system work harder, which uses more energy and increases your energy bills. By keeping the evaporator coil and other parts clean and running efficiently, a UV light can help reduce energy consumption.
Easier Maintenance
Removing bacteria, mold, viruses, and mildew doesn’t just help your space smell better. It will also cut down on your maintenance needs!
When your system runs, the drain pan fills with water over time, which drains through the condensate drain line. This drain line needs regular cleaning to prevent mold, dirt, and grime from building up and blocking the pipe. This can make your system less efficient or stop it entirely! When you clean the components and air with a UV light, it prevents as much buildup from occurring – meaning you’re less likely to have problems with your drain line. Nice!
Want a UV Light or Air Scrubber for your home? It’s time to talk to Cool Rays AC in Brevard County, FL! We offer expert indoor air quality solutions for your space and needs – call today to schedule your consultation with our team!